Wednesday, August 20, 2008

DAY 7 Colon Cleanse by Dr. Flora "No Stopping me"

Day 7 finds me again in good spirits. I am feeling great and doing my cleansing 4 times a day. I am eagerly awaiting the mother ship to drop me off some Alien Life forms in the form of Mucoid Plaque!

When I think about all the fecal material that has lingered inside of me so long...a free ride so to speak I wonder why I did not address this issue earlier in life? For years I sufefred from Headaches, Constipation, I was always Tired and Fatigued.

I always got sick, I had trouble Sleeping. I was restless when I did sleep. My memory wasn't great and let's not forget the Bloating and the associated Protruding Belly and subsequent Weight Gain.

I hope to be less irritable and avoid Mood Swings. I was never really that motivated and now I can't seem to sit still with a ddesire to complete a task.

Stay with me folks. I hope you are as excited as I am.
Click Here for the great deal I got at Dr. Floras!

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